This movie borrows a couple of themes from director Terry Gilliam's Brazil (1985):Characters Appearing in Front of a False Landscape. In Brazil the characters appear in front of footage of the false ending of the movie. In Twelve Monkeys the doctors appear in front of a painting that initially looks like the landscape Cole is in.Female Lead Revealing a Different Look Via a Wig: In Brazil Kim Greist's Jill wears another character's wig and astounds Jonathan Pryce's Sam as he enters the bedroom. In Twelve Monkeys Kathryn wears a wig to conceal her identity which astounds Cole as he exits the theatre.A Dubious Reality: In Brazil Sam is saved by a Harry Tuttle's underground militia and him and Jill escape to a pastoral life; in reality Sam's been captured and is suffering a delusion. In Twelve Monkeys Cole comes to believe that the future which he comes from is in fact a delusion; in reality that future is apparently very real.